Toolbar->Tools->Session Recording

The Session Recording feature enables users to efficiently save a complete set of data results into a CSV file, including captured date and time, along with custom comments for both the entire session and each individual capture. This streamlined functionality ensures comprehensive record-keeping and easy access to session-specific details for analysis and review.

Session Recording

  • Navigate to the application where you wish to use the session recording feature. Note: Once the session has started, you will not be allowed to switch to another application until the session is ended.
  • In the Tools tab, click on the START Session button to start the session recording.
  • A window will appear as follow to allow the user to configure session settings.
    • First Block: Enable the Time Captured (Per Entity) checkbox to store the captured time for each data point in the CSV file. If not enabled, the time will not be stored. Hover over the info icon next to Time Format for more details on how the time is formatted.
    • Second Block: If you would like to add custom comments or a title for this session or individual captures, click Add Item. You can add items either for the entire session or per data point (entity). Enter the item title and default content for each item. You can add as many items as needed.
      • Per Session: Add a comment for the entire session.
      • Per Entity: Add a comment for each individual data point (e.g., Sample Name, Sample Description, Data Comment). 
    • Third Block: This block allows you to add or remove data values from the session recording. All data values displayed in the Data window will be saved to the CSV file. If you want to exclude certain data values, ensure you remove them from the Data window by unchecking them in Settings → Applications → Display / Save PDF | Session Recording / MQTT for the specific application.
  • Once the session settings are configured, click START Session. The button will toggle to END Session, and the red circle will change to a green circle, indicating the session has started. In the Acquire tab, next to the Capture button, you will see an Add Data icon , which allows you to add the desired data points to the report. Note: For accurate data capture, we recommend using Single Data Capture rather than Loop Capture.
  • Begin the data capture process. When you’re ready to save a data point, click the Add Data icon . If you added a Per Entity custom input item during configuration, a prompt will appear for you to enter content for that specific data point (below is an example with three custom input items: Sample Name, Batch, and Description). Repeat the process as needed to save all data points.
  • When you are ready to export or end the session, navigate to Tools and click END Session. A file browser will prompt you to choose a save location and file name. Click Save to store the CSV file.
  • Your data is now saved in a CSV file. Below is an example of the content for three radiometry data points.


