File Saving Options

PDF and SSM File Saving

All applications (except Multi Channels) support PDF and SSM and it can be enable/disable in the “Settings”   → Expand “Additional Save Options & Settings” tab → Enable/Disable PDF and SSM checkbox.



Application-Based File Saving Options

Different applications also allows you to save other type of data and those save options can be enable and disable in the  “Settings”   → Expand “Application” tab → “Save Options” column.  



Export Data with Constant Wavelength Increment

  1. Ensure the spectrometer is connected and shown as connected in StellarPro.
  2. Navigate to Settings → Expand the “Additional Save Options & Settings” tab → Expand “File Export”.
  3. Uncheck ‘Export ALL Pixel Wavelengths’ next to the desired spectrometer. A section of input fields will appear, allowing you to enter the desired Starting Wavelength, Ending Wavelength, and Wavelength Increment. For example, to save data with a 1-nanometer increment, set the Wavelength Increment to 1. If the wavelength range starts at 180 nm and ends at 1000 nm, the saved data will include wavelengths such as 180, 181, …, 998, 999 nm. Click the Confirm Settings button to apply the changes.
    • With ‘Export ALL Pixel Wavelengths’ checked, the data will be exported based on the calculated cubic fit wavelength. The wavelength increment will not be constant due to the varying distribution of pixel wavelengths in the cubic fit calculation.
  4. A confirmation popup will appear. Click OK to close it. Now, all file exports will save data using the set wavelength increment.


File Extensions

  • PDF = Screenshot and data information
  • SSM = SCOPE 
  • TRM = Transmission
  • ABS = Absorbance 
  • IRR = Irradiance
  • PAR = Photosynthetic Active Radiation
  • LUM = Lumen
  • CCS =  L*a*b*
  • CHEM = Absorbance and concentration
  • PRED = Prediction result 
  • EPX = Episodic 
  • .cal = Calibration mode file  
  • .icf = Irradiance Calibration File = Calibration mode file in use  
  • config.ini = main software settings configuration file



