The recent excitement of space travel by NASA astronauts Robert Behnken and Douglas Hurley allowed us to take our minds off the worldwide pandemic, if just for a moment. It reminds us of the opportunities that space exploration and scientific research offer to help unite mankind. Check out some of StellarNet’s space spectroscopy applications & spotlight interview with Astrochemistry Professor Joshua Sebree, University of Northern Iowa.
University Customer Spotlight: Student Researchers go to Extremes for NASA
Check out some of StellarNet’s space spectroscopy applications and spotlight interview with Astrochemistry Professor Joshua Sebree, University of Northern Iowa. Read more
Spectrometers in Space! Rugged, Reliable, StellarNet!
StellarNet BLUE-Wave spectrometers were launched into space and mounted on the ISS as part of the MISSE-7 experiment, designed to take real-time spectra to provide insight on how the environment of space affects different optical properties of materials. Read more
Recent Customer Space Spectroscopy Applications
Attenuation of Ultraviolet Radiation in Rocks and Minerals: Implications for Mars Science
The effects of radiation on the survivability of key biosignatures are a driving factor in exploration strategies throughout the solar system. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, especially shorter wavelength UVC radiation, is known to be damaging to organisms and to potential organic biosignatures; however, the interaction of UV radiation with minerals and rocks is not well understood… Read more
Astronaut diets on the International Space Station (ISS) depend on resupplied packaged food. However, missions to Mars of 3-5 years will not accommodate re-supply. In addition, many human macro and micro nutrients degrade during long-term storage. Thus, growing nutritional plants aboard ISS is essential for providing astronauts with fresh, healthy produce. Read more
The Role of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) in the Production of Perchlorate (ClO4–) from Chlorite (ClO2–) and Chlorate (ClO3–) on Earth and Mars
The widespread presence of perchlorate (ClO4–) on Mars has significant implications for the alteration or destruction of indigenous organic compounds that may have been or still be present on Mars. Read more