RS50 is a 50mm diameter white reflectance standard made of Halon. It is used to take reference measurements using the R600 Reflectance Probe. This white standard will reflect >97% of the light from 300-1700nm.
RS-HR High-reflectivity Specular Reflectance Standard is a mirrored, fused-silica standard that can be used as a reference when measuring surfaces with high specular reflectance such as optical substrates, coatings, and metals
TF-STD1 Thin Film standards for thickness measurement verification. Includes Si substrate for reference with 2 additional substrates with 100nm and 1000nm thickness of SIO2. Additional thickness standards (10nm and 10,000nm) can be purchased.
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The StellarNet Star
This holiday season, we received an incredible surprise from our StellarNet team—a star named in our honor! The star is located in the Andromeda constellation, close to the Pegasus constellation. Its coordinates, RA/DEC: 00H 49M 48.8S +41° 04' 44.2, place it near the...