Experimental research of reliability of plant stress state detection by laser-induced fluorescence method
Y Fedotov, O Bullo, M Belov, V Gorodnichev
FEB 2016
Experimental laboratory investigations of the laser-induced fluorescence spectra of watercress and lawn grass were conducted. The fluorescence spectra were excited by a YAG:Nd laser emitting at 532 nm. It was established that the influence of stress caused by mechanical damage, overwatering, and soil pollution is manifested in changes of the spectra shapes. The mean values and confidence intervals for the ratio of two fluorescence maxima near 685 and 740 nm were estimated. It is presented that the fluorescence ratio could be considered a reliable characteristic of plant stress state.
… The polychromator was calibrated by wavelength using a calibration light source based on a mercury–argon lamp (SL2 StellarNet Inc.) with a linear spectrum. The test was performed at the wavelength of 546.07 nm. Calibration …