The color rendering index is a way to quantify whether colors under a light source will look the same as in daylight. This is reflected (figuratively and literally) in the light source’s spectrum. A light source with a spectrum that is different than the sun will have a low color rendering index, while a light source with a similar spectrum to the sun will have a high color rendering index. StellarNet’s LED Test Report Software and VBA-NIST- CRI/CQS program calculate CRI and Color Quality Scale (CQS) for different test light sources.
Introducing our new Applied Spectroscopy Division
New Handheld Raman!
New! ChemWiz-ADK Handheld NIR Spectrophotometer with on board chemometrics and spectral matching!
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Check out our SpectroChemistry Systems for UV-VIS and Fluorescence Applications
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New Spectrometer Python Application Driver
for Windows, Linux, RasPi, Mac
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HYPER-Nova Highest Performance Raman Spectrometer
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