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What is a Spectroscopy Blank?

A blank is a sample that contains everything except for the analyte of interest. For example, if you are doing a UV-vis experiment to measure concentrations of Green Fluorescent Protein, the protein has to be dissolved in a solvent. The blank is a sample of just the...

What is Temperature Compensation?

There are 15 “optically black” pixels on StellarNet detectors that are not hit by light during an acquisition. They provide a continuous measurement of the average dark spectrum and can be used to adjust for baseline drift during an experiment. In other words, this...

What is a Stray Light?

Stray light is any light that hits the detector unintentionally. The detector is not able to distinguish wavelengths, so it cannot tell the difference between the e.g. 500 nm light that is supposed to hit a pixel and the 505 nm light that accidentally hit it. It will...

What is Electronic Noise?

Electronic noise is all the noise generated by the electronic circuits after the electrons are converted to a voltage. This includes noise from any amplifiers and the A/D converter. For example, conversions of exactly the same charge will not necessarily yield exactly...