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What is a Data Log?

In the SpectraWiz software, the data log is a utility that records instantaneous samples every time you click a button that says “Save Sample.” It stores all of them, with timestamps, in a common file. Data stored in the log is not deleted unless the “Clear” button is...

What is the Peak Tool?

The peak tool is an application in SpectraWiz for calculating various peak related quantities. It can be accessed by clicking the green peak icon. The quantities it calculates are as follows: Peak: peak wavelength Centroid: centroid wavelength FWHM: full width at half...

What is a Cosine Receptor?

A cosine receptor (sometimes called a cosine corrector) is a type of light receptor that is used for radiometry and photometry. It collects all light in a 180 degree field of view, making it suitable for measuring light from a planar surface or light from multiple...