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What is Raman Spectroscopy?

Raman spectroscopy is an experiment that collects Raman scattering as the signal. When the light passes through the sample, some is scattered as Raman scattering. These photons are in the visible range, but they’ve lost some energy, meaning the wavelength will be...

What is Absorption Spectroscopy?

The principle of absorption spectroscopy is to measure how much light is absorbed by the sample. As seen in the absorbance entry, this can be accomplished by measuring the intensity of the light before and after the sample. The Beer-Lambert law describes how the...

What is a cuvette?

A cuvette is a type of sample holder for liquid samples. Often, they are made of plastic, borosilicate glass, or quartz. StellarNet offers glass cuvettes for experiments in the visible or NIR ranges and quartz cuvettes for experiments in the UV range. Cuvettes also...

What is a Lamp?

Lamps are light sources that provide radiation mainly through spontaneous emission. This means that the radiation is emitted in all directions and is not coherent. Many lamps tend to emit many wavelengths, but the radiation is hard to collimate into a beam. For many...

What is a Wave?

A wave is an oscillation in energy. In the context of electromagnetic radiation, the electric and magnetic fields oscillate. These oscillations repeat a pattern. For example, think of a sine wave. It starts at zero, goes up to a crest, goes down to a trough, and comes...