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What is a Haze?

The appearance of transparent materials can be tuned for their applications and can be quantified by their light scattering optical properties. The cloudiness or “haze” can be defined by the percentage of light transmission which deviates from an incident beam greater...

What is a Saturation?

Saturation is what happens when a pixel generates too many electrons. After a pixel exceeds its pixel well depth, the signal from the pixel stops increasing with more photons. The stored electrons can even start “leaking” into neighboring pixels and distorting the...

What is a Pixel?

A pixel, also called an element in PDAs, is an individual semiconductor in a larger array of many semiconductors used in electronic detectors such as CCDs and PDAs. When using detectors for 2D imaging, these semiconductors correspond directly to the pixels in the...

What is a Photodiode?

A photodiode is a device that turns photons into current. When a photon strikes a photodiode, it generates an electron. The electron then gets swept away down an electronic circuit. This generates a current which can be measured.