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What is a Dynamic Range?

The dynamic range of a spectrometer is a measure of the intensity resolution of a spectrometer. In essence, it is the maximum signal before saturation over the minimum signal, where the minimum signal is a signal equal to the baseline noise (S/N = 1). However, the...

What is a Hot Pixel?

A hot pixel has a higher than average dark current. This can be accounted for in the dark spectrum or by cooling. However, if the dark current is too large, the pixel might saturate prematurely. If that is the case, the pixel can be considered defective and...

What is a spectrometer Linearity?

Linearity is a property where the pixels in a detector have a linear relationship between the number of electrons generated and the voltage produced. It only happens for a certain range in the number of electrons. Above it, the pixel saturates and the voltage stops...