Apr 14, 2021 | News, UV-VIS Absorption
The StellarNet Team collected and tested water samples near the Piney Point wastewater leak in Tampa Bay last week- April 9th, 2021. Using their portable UV-VIS spectrometers and NECi enzyme based phosphate and nitrate test kits, they were able to gather real-time...
Oct 1, 2020 | Color Measurement, News, UV-VIS Absorption
While Oktoberfest celebrations in Munich and around the world have been canceled this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the StellarNet Team decided to make the best of it with a beer celebration the 2020 way- at home. Spectroscopist and beer enthusiast, David...
May 7, 2020 | Food, News, UV-VIS Absorption
Well, not the type of beer you are thinking of. Have you ever woken up early ready for a fresh cup of coffee only to find that you failed to notice that you ran out? Living in Florida has taught me to be prepared for many situations… Scorching sun? Stock up on...
Nov 14, 2019 | Color Measurement, News, UV-VIS Absorption
For this week’s Feasibility Friday, David and Jason are testing the SRM, EBC, and Lovibond colors of beer from a local brewery. David has chosen some classic styles with published SRM values to compare to. These three color scales are popular in the beer industry as a...
Jun 9, 2019 | Application, Chemistry, Environmental, UV-VIS Absorption
Y Kim, SD Snow, V Reichel-Deland, M Maghsoodi… – Management of Biological …, 2019 Abstract Ballast water contains and transfers a variety of biological and non-biological materials between biomes. This study aimed to summarize published literature on the viruses...
Jun 1, 2019 | Application, Environmental, UV-VIS Absorption
E Yeshnoa, S Arnonb, O Dahana Abstract Lack of real-time information on nutrient availability in cultivated soils inherently leads to excess application of fertilizers in agriculture. As a result, nitrate, which is a soluble, stable and mobile component of...