Jun 23, 2020 | Application, SpectroRadiometry, UV SpectroRadiometry
B. L. Carrier W. J. Abbey L. W. Beegle R. Bhartia Y. Liu… – Advancing Earth and Space Science. 16 September 2019 Abstract The effects of radiation on the survivability of key biosignatures are a driving factor in exploration strategies throughout the solar...
Jun 23, 2020 | Application, SpectroRadiometry, UV SpectroRadiometry
Dongyu Liu and Samuel P. Kounaves*… – ACS Earth Space Chem. July 12, 2019 Abstract The widespread presence of perchlorate (ClO4–) on Mars has significant implications for the alteration or destruction of indigenous organic compounds that may have been or still...
Jun 23, 2020 | Application, SpectroRadiometry, UV SpectroRadiometry
Dongyu Liu and Samuel P. Kounaves*… – ACS Earth Space Chem. July 12, 2019 Abstract The widespread presence of perchlorate (ClO4–) on Mars has significant implications for the alteration or destruction of indigenous organic compounds that may have been or still...
Apr 2, 2020 | News, Solar SpectroRadiometry, SpectroRadiometry, UV SpectroRadiometry
Many of our customers are designing UVC arrays to sanitize N95 masks and other medical equipment; they use our UV radiometers to help with the design and manufacturing process. David is trapped working at home as many of us are and before he left the office, he...
Jan 13, 2020 | Application, Atmospheric, News, Solar SpectroRadiometry, SpectroRadiometry, UV SpectroRadiometry
In January 2020, we spoke with Chen Wang about her recent publication, “The atmospheric chemistry of indoor environments”; Q&A is a combination of interview and paper info. Why should we care about the atmosphere in indoor environments? Humans increasingly spend...
Jun 1, 2019 | Application, Environmental, UV SpectroRadiometry
T Hülsen, K Hsieh, DJ Batstone – Water Research, 2019 Abstract Biological removal of organics, nitrogen and from saline wastewaters is adversely impacted by high salinity, which can be a major concern for treatment of industrial or domestic saline wastewater. In...