Jun 24, 2016 | Application, LED Measurement, SpectroRadiometry
C Bronnbauer, A Osvet, CJ Brabec, K Forberich – ACS Photonics, 2016 Semitransparent OLEDs are a candidate for large-area eco-friendly light sources that can be integrated into building facades, suggesting colorful windows that become luminescent if the OLED is...
Jun 24, 2016 | Application, LED Measurement
K Feher, K von Volkmann, J Kirsch, A Radbruch… – Cytometry Part A, 2016 In recent years, multispectral flow cytometry systems have come to attention. They differ from conventional flow cytometers in two key ways: a multispectral flow cytometer collects the full...
Jun 10, 2016 | Application, Atmospheric, Biology, LED Measurement, UV SpectroRadiometry
M Rantalankila, H Koivistoinen, L Sarvasidze… – Separation and Purification …, 2016 Deep ultraviolet light emitting diodes (LED) were studied in water disinfection using Asterionellopsis glacialis as a model microorganism. Ultraviolet treatment reactors were...
May 11, 2016 | Agriculture, Application, LED Measurement, SpectroRadiometry
B Frąszczak, M Gąsecka, A Golcz… – Open Life Sciences, 2016 Light quality is thought to affect the growth and development of plants. We examined how light influences the growth and content of some chemical compounds in dill (Anethum graveolens L.). The plants...
Apr 5, 2016 | Agriculture, Application, LED Measurement, Solar SpectroRadiometry, SpectroRadiometry
C Gómez, CA Mitchell – Journal of the American Society for Horticultural …, 2016 The relative coolness-to-touch of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) has enabled commercial implementation of intracanopy lighting (ICL) in the greenhouse. Intracanopy lighting, which...
Mar 29, 2016 | Application, Biology, Fluorescence, LED Measurement
JJ Kim, J Lee, SP Yang, HG Kim, HS Kweon, SH Yoo… – Nano Letters, 2016 Courtship signals of many animal species have highly conspicuous traits for successful mating. Fireflies utilize their bioluminescent light as visual courtship signals. In addition to...