Apr 28, 2016 | Application, Biology, Chemistry
DA McCurry, RC Bailey – The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2016 Nanopores are promising structures for small volume separations, but often require complex top-down fabrication and are not easily (re)configurable to allow for dynamically tuned separations....
Apr 28, 2016 | Application, Biology, Color Measurement
MJP Simons, M Briga, S Verhulst – Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 2016 Senescence is a decrease in functional capacity, increasing mortality rate with age. Sexual signals indicate functional capacity, because costs of ornamentation ensure signal honesty, and...
Apr 28, 2016 | Application, Biology, Color Measurement
L Crothers, RA Saporito, J Yeager, K Lynch, C Friesen… – Evolutionary Ecology Aposematic (warning) coloration is a highly conspicuous trait that is found throughout the animal kingdom. In several aposematic species, warning signals have been co-opted for use in...
Mar 29, 2016 | Application, Biology, Fluorescence, LED Measurement
JJ Kim, J Lee, SP Yang, HG Kim, HS Kweon, SH Yoo… – Nano Letters, 2016 Courtship signals of many animal species have highly conspicuous traits for successful mating. Fireflies utilize their bioluminescent light as visual courtship signals. In addition to...
Mar 29, 2016 | Application, Biology
D Sakota, R Kosaka, M Nishida, O Maruyama – Journal of Artificial Organs The aggregability of red blood cell (RBCs) is associated with the contribution of plasma proteins, such as fibrinogen and lipoproteids, to blood-clotting. Hence, we hypothesized that RBC...
Mar 25, 2016 | Application, Biology
Marçal Gallemí, Anahit Galstyan, Sandi Paulišić, Christiane Then, Almudena Ferrández-Ayela, Laura Lorenzo-Orts, Irma Roig-Villanova, Xuewen Wang, Jose Luis Micol, Maria Rosa Ponce, Paul F. Devlin, Jaime F. Martínez-García – Development, 2016 When plants grow in...