Apr 28, 2017 | Application, Biology, Environmental, Solar SpectroRadiometry, SpectroRadiometry
TG Hilmarsson Methylmercury (MeHg) is a potent neurotoxin which has gained special attention in recent years for its ability to bioaccumulate in organisms and biomagnify through the food chain of aquatic ecosystems. It can have a severe impact on human health and even...
Mar 27, 2017 | Application, Biology
Z Chen, S Zhang, I Levchenko, II Beilis, M Keidar – arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.01655, 2017 Experiments have revealed a nontrivial cancer-inhibiting capability of liquid media treated by the plasma jet capable of forming thinly stratified self-organized patterns...
Jan 11, 2017 | Application, Biology, Color Measurement, Reflectance, SpectroRadiometry
DS Wright, N Demandt, JT Alkema, O Seehausen… – Journal of Evolutionary …, 2016 Local adaptation can be a potent force in speciation, with environmental heterogeneity leading to niche specialization and population divergence. However, local adaption often...
Jan 6, 2017 | Application, Atmospheric, Biology, Solar SpectroRadiometry
L Beecraft, SB Watson, REH Smith – Freshwater Biology, 2016 The effects of UV-B, UV-A and PAR on the photochemistry of phytoplankton from Hamilton Harbour, Lake Ontario, were measured to assess how well a multi-wavelength Pulse Amplitude Modulated fluorometer...
Jan 4, 2017 | Application, Biology, Optical Emission Spectroscopy
X Cheng, K Rajjoub, A Shashurin, D Yan, JH Sherman… – Bioelectromagnetics, 2016 It has been reported since late 1970 that magnetic field interacts strongly with biological systems. Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) has also been widely studied over the past few...
Jan 4, 2017 | Application, Biology, Optical Emission Spectroscopy, SpectroRadiometry
Xing-Quan, Wang Feng-Peng WangWei Chen, Jun Huang Kateryna Bazaka, & Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov Schistosoma japonicum is a widespread human and animal parasite that causes intestinal and hepatosplenic schistosomiasis linked to colon, liver and bladder cancers, and...