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A Brief History of the Sky’s Blueness

A Brief History of the Sky’s Blueness

How to: Be Uninteresting About Atmospheric Optics When I was asked to do a piece for this month’s Marketing campaign, I decided to ask my kids what they thought I should write about.  They hated all my ideas, including explaining why we see the colors in the sky that...

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The SpectraWizard’s Summer Spectroscopy BBQ

The SpectraWizard’s Summer Spectroscopy BBQ

It’s summer, and like most people at this time of year, the SpectraWizard is excited about summer barbeques. In fact, he’s so excited that he’s hosting one and you are invited!  What is on the menu you may ask? How does fresh pork and beef sound? Don’t worry - if you...

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Blue-green light is required for a maximized fatty acid unsaturation and pigment concentration in the microalga Acutodesmus obliquus

Blue-green light is required for a maximized fatty acid unsaturation and pigment concentration in the microalga Acutodesmus obliquus

Mark Helamieh, Marco Reich, Sophie Bory, Philipp Rohne, Ulf Riebesell, Martin Kerner, Klaus Kümmerer Abstract Blue-green light is known to maximize the degree of fatty acid (FA) unsaturation in microalgae. However, knowledge on the particular waveband responsible for...

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Flavonol Profile Is a Reliable Indicator to Assess Canopy Architecture and the Exposure of Red Wine Grapes to Solar Radiation

Flavonol Profile Is a Reliable Indicator to Assess Canopy Architecture and the Exposure of Red Wine Grapes to Solar Radiation

Johann Martínez-Lüscher, Luca Brillante, and Sahap Kaan Kurtural Abstract Exposure to solar radiation is a determining factor of grape composition. Flavonol synthesis is upregulated by solar radiation leaving a fingerprint on flavonol profile. This study aimed to test...

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Estimation of nitrogen content in cucumber plant (Cucumis sativus L.) leaves using hyperspectral imaging data with neural network and partial least squares regressions

Estimation of nitrogen content in cucumber plant (Cucumis sativus L.) leaves using hyperspectral imaging data with neural network and partial least squares regressions

Sajad Sabzi, Razieh Pourdarbani, Mohammad H. Rohban, Ginés García-Mateos, Juan  I. Arribas Abstract In recent years, farmers have often mistakenly resorted to overuse of chemical fertilizers to increase crop yield. However, excessive consumption of fertilizers might...

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ChemWiz Concentration Analysis of Easter Egg Dye

ChemWiz Concentration Analysis of Easter Egg Dye

Eggs represent new life, fertility, and rebirth and for these reasons have been absorbed into the springtime Easter celebration.  This Easter season, the StellarNet team thinks it is an eggcellent time to introduce the newest addition to the handheld spectrophotometer...

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Can the Addition of Odor and Visual Targets Enhance Attraction of the Asian Citrus Psyllid (Hemiptera: Liviidae) to Sticky Traps?

Can the Addition of Odor and Visual Targets Enhance Attraction of the Asian Citrus Psyllid (Hemiptera: Liviidae) to Sticky Traps?

Journal of Economic Entomology - Arjun Khadka, Sandra A Allan, Daniel Cho, Emma N I Weeks Abstract Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, negatively impacts the citrus industry as it transmits Candidatus Liberibacter spp., the causal agent of citrus...

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