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Optically thin composite resonant absorber at the near-infrared band: a polarization independent and spectrally broadband configuration –July 2011

KB Alici, AB Turhan, CM Soukoulis, and E Oz- Optics Express, 2011
We designed, fabricated, and experimentally characterized thin absorbers utilizing both electrical and magnetic impedance matching at the near-infrared regime. The absorbers consist of four main layers: a metal back plate, dielectric spacer, and two artificial layers. One of the artificial layers provides electrical resonance and the other one provides magnetic resonance yielding a polarization independent broadband perfect absorption. The structure response remains similar for the wide angle of incidence due to the sub-wavelength unit cell size of the constituting artificial layers. The design is useful for applications such as thermal photovoltaics, sensors, and camouflage. …The signal was measured by using a StellarNet Red Wave NIR spectrometer at the infrared regime (900 nm–1700 nm).

Fig. 5. Simulated absorption response of the SRR based metamaterial absorber for several incidence angles.

Fig. 5. Simulated absorption response of the SRR based metamaterial absorber for several incidence angles.