Color Measurement – SpectraWiz Quick Start

1. Open the SpectraWiz program .

2. In SCOPE Mode; adjust the integration time, number of scans to average, and XTiming resolution control.

3. With the light source off, and no sample under the probe, wait several collection cycles and hit the dark light bulb icon in the toolbar at the top of the screen. You will see your baseline drop to zero.

4. Place the RS50 White Reflectance Standard under the probe and turn on light source; Take the light reference by clicking on the yellow light bulb icon in the toolbar at the top of the screen.

5. Enter into Transmission Mode and place sample under probe.

6. Begin collecting data. Click CIE Color Measurement icon or from the Applications Menu to see colorimetric values. Pressing ‘Save Sample’ will open a sample ID window and opening the ‘Data Log’ will provide the L*, a*, b*, and x, y coordinates in a text file in the SpectraWiz folder.