ChemWiz Menu Options

Main Menu

The left side menu is ChemWiz’s main menu containing Review Data, Device Settings, App Setup, Stellar Themes, About and Help Section.

Review Data

Selecting the Review Data menu option allows you to browse all of the existing saved spectra that you have taken. All systems will also be delivered with DEMO spectral data. This option lists all the .ABS files that are located in the ChemWiz folder. Select multiple files and use the check button to view overlaid spectra.

Device Settings

The Device Settings menu option allows you complete control of the absorbance spectrometer parameters. These are integration or exposure time, scans to average, and pixel smoothing. You can also toggle on and off temperature compensation. Device setting parameters are saved to a system configuration file and are remembered when the software is re-opened. Once your settings are optimized you rarely have to change them.

App Setup

The App Setup menu option allows you to load or reload a saved method for prediction. Once you load the method, the method name will appear on the Predictor tab and will be ready for the sample prediction. All methods and saved files will be found in your ChemWiz directory. In this menu, you can adjust the chart wavelength and turn on or off the beginners mode and chart cursor.

This menu option allows you to choose the color theme of the app! Choose from SpectraWizard purple, Celestial blue, Solar Flare red, Alien Invasion green, and Office Wiz white. Or design your own color to go along with your company or university.


