S E Ivanov, Y V Fedotov, M L Belov, V A Gorodnichev and A A Shkarupilo
S E Ivanov et al 2023 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1154 012071
An experimental study of reflectivity temporal dynamics of the deciduous and coniferous woody specimens was performed. The reflectivity measurements results of leaves and needles samples in the spectral range from 0.4 to 0.9 μm for several days after cutting the samples were presented. It is shown that storing samples in a refrigerator with a controlled temperature makes it possible to ensure the stability of the sample’s reflectivity for a significant period of time. The size of this time period depends significantly on the tree species. For coniferous trees, the reflectivity spectrum remains almost unchanged for several days. For deciduous trees, in most cases, the reflectivity spectrum remains almost constant over a period of several hours to one day.
… The SL2 calibration light source from StellarNet Inc. was used for wavelength calibration in the range of 253.65-1013.98 nm. The SL2 source uses a low-pressure lamp that emits on the …